She can check the functioning of your organs: Liver, Heart, Kidneys, Lungs, and Pancreas.
She can check the condition of your eyes, ears, nose, & throat.
She can assess your sleep: insomnia, vivid dreaming, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
She can determine your blood pressure, if you have acid reflux, diabetes, fibroids.
She can detect over 200 diseases, past injuries, the beginning of serious health issues before they show up in blood or other tests, and much, much more. This is the power of Auricular Medicine.
More Than an X-ray
An x-ray taken outside the body, provides a picture of the inside that the trained radiologist can "read" or interpret to locate dysfunction or disease. Quite a useful and powerful technologically advanced tool for medicine.
The Auricular Medicine doctor can "see" and precisely diagnose the patient's interior condition(s), by interpreting what they can see outside, from changes in their external ears.
AM is like a whole series of x-rays and much more.
AM can "see" what x-rays can't and, can accurately and powerfully treat the problem(s) right on the ear.
This brings treatment directly to where it is needed, and there's no radiation side effects.
To learn and master this very specialized advanced medicine,Dr TruthSayer followed and apprenticed with her teacher, a famous Chinese surgeon recognized as the foremost authority and mother of Auricular Medicine, Dr Lichun Huang. Today, Dr TruthSayer brings the power and precision of this medicine to patients, in her beautiful central Marin, downtown San Rafael clinic. Coupled with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Transcendental Medicine, Transcendental Acupuncture & Transcendental Essence, and psychological therapies, patients receive results that push conventional Western and Eastern boundaries and expectations.
Considerable recent scientific research and clinical studies have substantiated AM's effectiveness
In addition, Because of the auricles' confirmed neuro-physiological relationship with the brain, central nervous system, parasympathetic and sympathetic systems AM provides special medical treatment advantages for neurological diseases and conditions and pain of every kind: phantom, residual, organ, tissue, or structural.
Research References:
Based on clinical and research findings the following are reported:
Auricular Medicine: The New Era of Medicine & Healing. Dr Li-Chun Huang.
Analgesic effect reducing or eliminating pain; treats all neurological diseases and conditions, reduces hypertension, tranquilizes
the brain and arrests convulsion and epilepsy, benefits the cardiovascular system: hypertension, aortic arteritis, tones the heart;
regulates retention of excess water i.e. edema; benefitss digestion, metabolism, ulcers, excess gastric acid; treats menstrual dysfunctions;
treats urinary tract infection, ureter and bladder stones; treats emotional disorders i.e. anxiety, depression, stress, nervousness;
reduces or eliminates headaches and migraines; improves hearing loss and tinnitus; improves facial beauty skin tightening, facial
muscle toning, treats kidney stones, gall stones; treats joints, muscles, tendons; reduces craving: alcohol, drugs, food, cigarettes; improves vision; eliminates diarrhea, leukorrhagia; relieves vertigo, dizziness; regulates the pituitary: diabetes, sheehan syndrome.
Auricular acupuncture in the treatment of female infertility. Gerhard I, Postneek F. SourceDepartment for Gynecological Endocrinology
and Reproduction, Women's Hospital, University of Heidelberg, Germany. "Auricular Acupuncture seems to offer a valuable alternative
therapy for female infertility due to hormone disorders."
Auricular Acupuncture May Suppress Epileptic Seizures Activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System: A Hypothesis Based on
Innovative Methods. Wei He, Pei-Jing Rong, Liang Li, Hui Ben, Bing Zhu, and Gerhard Litscher. Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700. October 2011.
Alimi D, Rubino C et al. Analgesic Effect of Auricular Acupuncture for Cancer Pain: a Randomized, Blinded, Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 21(22):4120-6.2003. Reported pain intensity reduction decreased by 36%
For more information or an appointment with Dr TruthSayer, call 415-686-1193
Transcendental Acupuncture Clinic . 820 Fifth Ave . San Rafael .
Auricular Medicine examines, reveals, and treats
stCopyright © Transcendental Acupuncture.