The proven power of 5,000 years of success - Traditional Chinese Medicine

             The neurological connectivity of Scalp Acupuncture

             The precise diagnosis & treatment efficacy of Auricular Medicine 

                                                                                                                                  6 Week Vision Improvement Program (VIP) 

           An alternative to worsening vision, eyeglasses, contacts, surgeries, or drugs


    The Problem:   50% of Americans have poor eyesight: 1 in 3 wear corrective lenses.

                              Over 50% have cataracts by age 65, and nearly everyone over 75.

                              Poor vision affects young and old, and gets progressively worse with age


   The Eye Care Industry: Glasses, Contacts, Surgery & Drugs.  Can't stop worse eyesight as we age,  

                               Can't prevent Cataracts, or Macular Degeneration, or loss of corneal cells

​                               Lacks prevention of continuing loss of vision, preservation, natural restoration

                               Glasses don't improve vision, they compensate for lost vision.

  A Better Solution:Our 6 Week Vision Improvement Program

                              Help for: Nearsighted, Farsighted, Astigmatism, Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, 

                                               Dry Eye,  Lazy Eye, Glaucoma, and more, and Includes..................


                              *Acupuncture Treatments - 800 years of effectively treating vision disorders.

                                         Auricular (Advanced Auricular Acupuncture) Medicine is a specialized form of 

                                         Acupuncture especially effective for Vision Improvement due to powerful connections

                                         and neurological innervations between the eye, brain and ear.

                                       ​*Scalp Acupuncture - 

​                                       *Classes: Training  in Vision Improvement Exercises - worldwide results for over 75 years.


                                       *Chinese & World Herbs and Supplements: strengthening, invigorating, nourishing eyes.

                                        *Other: Lifestyle, Eye-diet, Nutritional choices, Stress reduction, Eye-Acupressure Stimulation.


                     Acupuncture has been used with success for adults and children for centuries.  The exercises we teach have helped

                     improve and sustain eyesight for thousands of people here in America and around the world.  The lifestyle, diet

                     and nutritional recommendations improve every cell and tissue in the body, as well as in the eyes, and the classes

                     provide education and individual and group support to help the eye and body health-giving changes endure long

                     after the program's completion.

             6 Week Programs meet weekly for 2 hours of class education, training,  exercises,  and treatment.   

             Sessions fill quickly.  Call for current Program Schedule,  Registration and Information,  415-686-1193                               


​           Transcendental Acupuncture   820 C Fifth Ave -  Downtown San Rafael.  Off-street parking. Disabled Access.




